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Rare earth minerals: A new old frontier?

Sunday, October 31, 2010

On 21 Oct, I blogged about rare earth minerals and how China mines 93% of the world's supply.  I concluded the blog post by saying "Mining almost all of the world's rare earth minerals, non-renewable resources which seem to have no viable alternatives at the current point in time, makes the Chinese a force as formidable as OPEC and possibly more."

Well, the recent belligerent attitude of China towards its trading partners in the West could possibly backfire at least in the rare earth minerals trading department as I read this just now:

The rising global demand for rare earth metals - the elements needed to make items like hybrid electric cars and laptop batteries - have caused the value of rare earths mining companies to soar in just a few months.

We've told you about one company, Rare Element Resources, that saw its stock surge 1200% in the last year.

But China's outright monopoly in the industry, along with fears that it will cut down on its rare earth exports, are driving plenty of other stocks higher too.

Posted Oct 28, 2010 01:00pm EDT by Gregory White and Hannah Kim, Yahoo! Finance.

Read article here.

Related post:
Control of non-renewable resources!

Tea with AK71: Hand sanitiser.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

I started using hand sanitisers after the SARS outbreak years ago. Basically, everyone became a bit more conscious of the need for good personal hygiene. It is very sad but we usually need some earth shattering tragedy to effect some positive changes in society. I guess society evolves more rapidly due to such seismic events.

For many years now, I carry in my sling bag a small bottle of hand sanitiser. I would use it before meals or after doing some work with my hands. It gives me a peace of mind.

In the last two or three years, I switched to Dettol's hand sanitiser as it is the only one that did not leave a sticky feeling after use. The stickiness from using hand sanitisers is what puts off some people.  Dettol's formula solved that problem although it costs more.

Today, while driving to work, I saw a large bus ad announcing that Dettol's hand sanitiser kills 99.9% of all bacteria.  I guess this claim must be on the bottle too but I never really bothered to think about it before.  99.9% of all bacteria? What are the 0.1% of bacteria that remain alive and well?

Is that statement just a quantitative one which means that the sanitiser kills all types of bacteria but some are lucky enough to fall through the cracks? Or is the statement a qualitative one which means it kills 99.9% of all types of bacteria but 0.1% of bacteria types are so strong that they could resist elimination?  I would be very worried if 0.1% of bacteria types are strong enough to resist elimination!

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