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52 year old lost $200K and unsure about next 30 years: Discussion continues.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Reader says...
Hi AK,

Thank you so much for responding to my email and providing your thoughts. I have been thinking over it for the past few days.

I am pretty frugal and current monthly personal expenses on myself is about $1k. Another $1k spending on the maid, and $500/mth on insurance.

So roughly $2.5k/month.

The sad thing is I haven't been able to build up any passive income at all, except for the $1.4k monthly rental from the 2 rooms let out.

Friends ask me to move to the condo and rent out the 5-room flat for passive income, but the rental market seem weak with all the property cooling measures and tons of new hdb flats launched.

I do not have any dependents, just myself to take care of.  Would it be a good idea to take up a loan (6% p.a.) from the whole life and continue to let it run vs surrendering the policy?

I popped by the bank and opened a SRS account today and will transfer in the annual max $15,300.  I am at the 14% income tax bracket, so hopefully it will help to bring it down a bit (maybe a few hundreds).

Hope to go into ETFs and REITS for passive income, in your view is it ok to enter at current level or i should wait for market to go down a bit?  I am very worried because i cannot afford to lose too much at my age, and am really clueless which ones to go for..

AK says...

1. Frugality can only help in your wealth building effort. Good on you.

2. Try to build up passive income to improve cash flow but it is easier to improve cash flow by reducing expenses first. You still have room for this.

3. Rental market is expected to remain soft. My stand on the condo remains the same if you are concerned about cash flow. (Readers who are interested, please see related posts below.)

4. If you have no dependents, you don't need life insurance. (Dispense with this expense and have more savings.)

5.1 SRS makes sense for anyone who is paying quite a bit in income tax.

5.2 If you are worried about losing money at your age, obviously you are worried about volatility. If you cannot stomach volatility, staying away from the stock market is not a bad idea. Peace of mind is priceless.

Related posts:
1. 52 year old lost $200K and unsure about next 30 years (Part 1).
2. Should we buy a shoebox condo in NE Singapore?

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