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Downsizing our homes for better financial health.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Hi AK,

My husband and i are in our late thirties. 

Right now we own a 5-rm hdb flat. 

We do not have children yet, but are planning to. 

We have plans to downsize our hdb to a 3-rm flat because:

1) there's only the 2 of us. 
Even if we have children, the size of a 3-rm flat is still considered ok.

2) we can pay off a bigger portion of our mortgage loan as the loan amount will be much lesser compare to our current one. 

We do not plan to buy a 3rm which is more expensive than our current 5rm. 

(However, we may have to take up bank loan as I have already used up my 2times hdb loan quota - one with my family before i got married and the current one.)

3) i have a couple friend who downsize their hdb from 5rm to 3rm, fully renovated it nicely and was able to pay off the housing loan in full. 

Now their income are purely for living expenses and savings/investments. 

That also gave me the idea of downsizing.

Please advise if there is anything which i may have overlooked and anything to look out for.

Thank you!

Best Regards

Hi Blue,

I like the Tiny House movement. 

Very often, people over-consume when it comes to housing. 

In a country where housing is so expensive like Singapore, over consuming on housing can really set us back financially, everything else remaining equal.

1. If you feel that a 3rm flat gives you ample space, then, you don't need any flat bigger than a 3rm flat. 

You might want a bigger flat but you don't need a bigger flat. 

2. If you would like to have a smaller mortgage, downsizing and downgrading definitely makes sense. 

Keep the monthly repayment for your new home loan the same amount as what it is for your current home loan and you will pay up the mortgage faster.

Alternatively, you might want a longer term loan, taking advantage of the low interest rates now and improve your cash flow. 

However, you should have the resources to pay down the loan rapidly in case interest rates go much higher.

3. To have a home fully paid means you have both control and ownership. It is an asset

As long as a home is not fully paid, we do not have ownership despite claims to the contrary. It is a liability.

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1. My home is a hut in the sky.

2. Housing and my CPF money.

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