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Which REITs are in AK's portfolio ?

Friday, September 9, 2016

Dear Ak,

I have some question hope to seek your wisdom in the investing world. Hope that you would be patient with me.

1. May i know currently which REITZ are in your portfolio?

2. I am currently invested in Cache Logistic Trust, AimsAMP, SPH and SoilBuild Reitz, May i know which are in line with yours and the rest that are not in your portfolio, what are the downslide to them?

3. Currently in the market turmoil as well as pending fed rate hike, bond would be more attractive and equities would not bode well. What would bring for the REITZ in the long term? would they be able to sustain?

Hope to hear from you soon

Thank you


You might want to read the blog posts on my passive income from REITs. You will find them in my blog's right side bar. :)

I don't know what you mean by bonds being more attractive.
As interest rates rise, bond prices will fall. Why won't equities do well? You want to search my blog for articles on rising interest rates and REITs. :)

Best wishes,

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2015 full year passive income from S-REITs.
2. Why have bonds and which ones?
3. How to approach REITs as investments now?

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