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Another Day In Paradise.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I had such a moment last week when, walking to look at the progress made on the construction of my new home, a man asked me if I had $1.60 because he didn't have the money to take the bus back to his hostel. 

I paused, thought about it for a second and gave him the money.

How likely was it that he was a fraudster? I don't know but I guess giving him the money was erring in the direction of kindness. 

$1.60 was an amount I could afford and it could have meant the world to him.

Related post:
Kindness of strangers.

Tea with AK71: The kindness of strangers.

There is a small part of an email a reader sent to me very recently which I feel like sharing but at the same time, a little corner of my mind tells me that maybe I shouldn't.

The reason why I feel like sharing is because it is something that the boy scout in me has always believed in. I feel that if we can make a positive difference in the lives of others, why not? 

If we can show some consideration to others and make the world a better place, isn't that a good thing? 

In our pursuit of wealth, we should not forget to extend a helping hand to those in need if we can.

The reason why I think I shouldn't be sharing is because I am afraid that I might be accused of self-promotion once again.

Then, I remember something a fellow blogger, SMOL, told me: "Be the mountain!"

Photo taken on a trip to Japan.

Here it is:

"We live in a dog eat dog world these days, and every where I look I see the ugliness of the human spirit. People 你争我夺。People 笑里藏刀。 So it's quite rare and heartening to see that there are people around - willing to share knowledge and help readers. And because of this, I don't just see a rotting world anymore-  I retain a bit of optimism for the future, a bit of belief in the human spirit, a bit of love for the world."

I am not ashamed to say that, reading this, I was almost moved to tears, especially in the state that I was in.

It is easy to become hard and cynical as we grow older in today's world. We lose our youthful optimism and trusting nature. 

It is hard to believe in the kindness of strangers and for some reason it is more so in Singapore and places like Singapore (example, Hong Kong).

Well, if we find it hard to accept the kindness of strangers, perhaps, we can be kind strangers to others instead. I dream of the day when the kindness of strangers will stop being a strange thing.

How should I end this blog post? Let me borrow from a quotation another reader sent to me and that is we should all "err in the direction of kindness."

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