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Ever since the CPFB introduced a colorful pie chart of our CPF savings a few years ago, I would look forward to mine every year like a teena...

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Hotung, Venture and Singpost.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Hi Ak,

I was looking for high dividend yield coys for investment. Three coys caught my attention. What is your view about hotung investment, a Taiwan based VC. I understand the coy is in a net cash position, and been giving consistent dividend about 7 to 8%. Why the price of the stock is undervalued and at a discount?

The other two are venture corp and sing post.

Venture corp - a well managed coy providing consistent high dividend yield. Recovering from poor performance, and has added a new product mix - 3D printing. Do expect the coy to continue giving consistent good dividend.

Sing post, reasonable dividend yield, giving quarterly dividend. A coy that may grow with e- commerce which has growth potential.

Will you consider adding these coys to your portfolio? If yes or no, why?

Thank you for your time. Enjoy reading your blog.. which is getting more and more popular.


My reply:

Hi P,

I know nothing about Hotung and Venture. :(
However, thanks for pointing them out to me. I will look at them if I find the time and inclination to do so. In the meantime, if you would like to guest blog your analyses, you are welcome to do so. :)

As for Singpost, yes, I have looked at it. I want to make sure that its efforts in diversification will work out. I think it is still early days and, so far, its efforts has burnt a lot of cash. We are seeing revenue improvements but at the expense of margins. We will really need a bigger volume in a lower margin business. Will we see the volume? I think the jury is still out on this one.

Best wishes,

If anyone has any thoughts on these three stocks, please share generously. Thank you.

Securing risk free returns early for our retirement.

Monday, March 24, 2014

At the beginning of the new year, I said I would be making voluntary contributions (VC) to my CPF account in an effort to max out the annual limit of $30,600. The risk free returns of 2.5% to 4% per annum for the OA, SA and MA help to give me a peace of mind.

I used some of the dividends I received from my investments this quarter to make a contribution last week:

We can never be too sure about our investments and how they will do. However, the CPF gives us a measure of certainty which we need in our golden years. So, it is a good tool in retirement planning and we should make good use of it.

This is a topic that I blog about regularly and it has attracted many high quality comments from readers. I am glad that some readers were inspired enough by the discussions to take action.

Here is a recent example: Solidcore's comment.

Some people tell me that they do not trust the system.

Well, if the CPF should go kaput, we are pretty much sunk in all things Singapore anyway. So, we might want to have a bit of faith where it matters and the CPF, I believe, matters.

Latest update (26 March 2015):
Should I top up my CPF-SA, CPF-MA or SRS Account?

Related posts:
1. Voluntary contributions to CPF. (VC form.)
2. How to get free medical insurance?

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