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The evil instalment schemes and their minions.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Uncle saw a $5,000 LED TV.

Uncle thought, 

"Wah! So nice! So expensive leh. Cannot afford."


Then, there came a helpful salesperson.

Helpful salesperson, 

"Don't worry, sir. You can pay for this in instalments. Over a 60 months period, you pay only $83.34 a month."

Delighted Uncle, 

"Wah! So cheap! I can afford it now! How do I do this?"

Beaming salesperson, 

"Come with me. We just have to complete some paperwork."

Uncle, that TV is not any cheaper! 

You are just taking a longer time to pay for it! 

Here is a 32" LED TV for only $388!


Why you ignore me?

In general, don't use tomorrow's money to pay for today's consumption. 

If we cannot afford it today, we shouldn't buy it. 

We should beware of the evil installment schemes and their minions as we journey towards financial freedom.


"The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces.”   W. Rogers

Related posts:
1. Two questions that build wealth.
2. If we are not rich, don't act rich.

An essential habit to becoming richer.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Someone who just started reading my blog recently asked me why am I so frugal. 

With the kind of income that I get from my investments, I should be enjoying life more, he said. 

Being frugal in my early years he could understand but why now too? 

Actually, on and off, I get similar comments from some people.

Do I really give people the impression that I am a giam siap (Hokkien for "Scrooge-like") fellow? 

Well, I must say that I have become less tight fisted with money in recent years. 

I spend money more easily especially on people I care about and I also give myself treats frequently but I still embrace frugality most of the time. 

It is difficult for me not to. 

It has grown on me and has become a habit over the years.

The Chinese people have a saying:


What does this mean? 

In the days of plenty, think of leaner days. 

During leaner times, do not dream of riches but work hard to gain wealth. 

At the centre of this saying is the philosophy that we should be frugal. 

Whether we are rich or not does not matter.

So, why am I still frugal today? 

I think we have the answer.

Related posts:
1. First step to becoming richer.
2. Three point turn.
"Keep our needs simple and our wants few." AK

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