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Afternoon tea break with AK.

Friday, July 11, 2014

This is what I am having for afternoon tea breaks for the next two weeks:

Just add 200ml of hot water.


Bought a bag from NTUC Fairprice.

Each serving is cheaper than a curry puff.

Tastes good and is probably healthier too.

Related post:
What did you drink for tea break?

Why fixed deposits over structured deposits?

Recently, I came across offers from two banks to place money in structured deposits offering higher returns than fixed deposits. 

The promised returns were approximately 1.45% to 1.85% per annum in return for the funds being locked up for 4 to 6 years.

I was NOT attracted by these offers because:

1. Whether this money is a part of my emergency fund or my war chest, in the event that I need to use the money during the lock up period, there will be punitive costs which I have to bear.

2. To avoid these costs, once in, the only option is to stay with the product till maturity. 

A time period of 4 to 6 years is relatively long and there is a good chance that opportunities might come knocking during that time.

3. There are many offers of promotional interest rates for fixed deposits by banks here and I recently placed some money in a 15 months fixed deposit for an interest rate of 1.25% per annum. 

Being offered only 0.2% to 0.6% higher interest rate per annum in return for a 4 to 6 years lock up period seems inadequate to me.

4. With fixed deposits, there are no punitive costs to bear (except to lose the higher interest rate) if I should have need for early withdrawal.

Whether it is money in my emergency fund or money in my war chest, 12 months fixed deposits (give or take a few months) with "promotional" interest rates are good enough for me to park a large portion of the money. 

The rest of the money should be retained in my savings and trading accounts to meet short term needs and to react more quickly to emergencies and opportunities.

Structured deposits could be a good thing for some savers but unless the lock up period is much shorter while retaining higher interest rates compared to 12 months fixed deposits I doubt it is a good thing for investors.

Related posts:
1. A special chest for emergency funds.
2. A "foreign" chest for emergency funds.

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