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Do we need new or is old good enough? (How to be richer? Another personal story of frugality.)

Thursday, December 25, 2014

UPDATED (22 DEC 16):

Related post: Never bored in retirement.
Old game but still a fun game!

As I play the game, I am also watching the anime online. All 180 episodes! I can binge watch!

All for FREE!

Wahahaha! Bad AK! Bad AK!

I hear friends talking about getting good ear phones so that they can enjoy music on the go many times before.

A friend actually brought me to a shop in the basement of ION Orchard to look at these super earphones before and when I saw the prices, my jaw dropped.

I don't know if you believe me but a pair of these diminutive ear plugs, yes, they look like ear plugs, could cost more than $300 or $400! 

How could something so small cost so much? It is simply mind boggling! What is more amazing is that some people actually buy the latest (expensive) ear phones as and when they become available!

When recommended to get a pair for myself, I politely declined, saying that I don't have use for earphones. Actually, that is not true. I do use earphones. I use them when I watch movies on my iPad. I use them when I travel. I use them when I go to the gym (once in a blue moon).

However, my earphones didn't cost me $300 or $400. They didn't even cost me $15, if I remember correctly.

So, what do my earphones look like?

I don't know if they still sell earphones like these. They come in a plastic case with a nifty rotating feature to reel in the cords neatly. I like the neat design very much.

I happen to leave my earphones on my desk today because I used them in the gym yesterday. A friend who was visiting remarked at the "antique".

Well, I must have had these ear phones since I was in college or when I was in National Service. I cannot remember exactly. So, they are pretty old but they still work.

I have shared in various blog posts before on the things I have and some of these things I have had for a long time and still using today. (See related posts below.) These ear phones are another example.

I don't see the need to get the latest gadgets which are usually rather expensive, anyway.

If the older stuff still work, unless there is a very good reason, we shouldn't replace them.

Waste not, want not.

Related posts:
1. Some of my stuff (Part 1).
2. Some of my stuff (Part 2).
3. Some of my stuff (Part 3).
4. How I earned $9,216 with a mug?
5. AK denied Starhub extra income!

A meal for $2.00 from McDonald's!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

My Christmas Eve lunch:

A McChicken Burger and a 16oz cup of Iced Milo.

$2.00 only.

A friend told me about McDonald's Surprise Alarm and now I get a surprise almost every day!

For more information, see: McDonald's Surprise Alarm.

This is not an advertorial. I just like McDonald's and I like freebies. LOL. ;p

Related post:
McDonald's Singing Bones Kitty!

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