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Choose your own CPF adventure!

Friday, February 6, 2015

There was a creature called the MS (full name "Minimum Sum") which gained mutant powers. 

In gaining mutant powers, MS was able to mutate into a smaller creature half of its original size or into a bigger creature 50% bigger than its original size.

The creators of MS hoped that more would take a liking to MS which had been verbally abused in some quarters. 

So, with newly gained mutant powers (and a new marketing team), MS took on new names for its various forms.

The smaller and cuter MS mutant was called the BRS (full name "Basic Retirement Sum"). 

In its original size, the MS was renamed the FRS (full name "Full Retirement Sum"). 

The bigger and more powerful MS mutant was called the ERS (full name "Enhanced Retirement Sum").

Everyone had to adopt a MS but they didn't have a variety to choose from in the past. 

It was a little like the first mass produced car by Ford, the Model T. 

Everyone had a choice of color. Remember? 

It was either black or black or black. 

People still had to adopt a MS but at least they would have a choice of size with the mutant forms.

The MS had been badly misunderstood by many and far from being a monster, a closer look revealed that it was actually a cow. 

Yes, it was a simple farm animal! 

The MS was supposed to provide sustenance to its owner for an indefinite period of time once the owner turned 65. 

That was when the MS would become a deity-like bovine called the CPF-Life.

Whichever choice people should make between the BRS, FRS and ERS, these cows retained their power to become deity-like bovines later on with their powers to provide more or less sustenance for life to their owners, their powers being proportional to their sizes.

Oh, the movie had a compulsory audience participation section as well. 

It was a bit like a "Choose Your Own Adventure" component. 

Yes, some of us older folks would remember flipping through what seemed like random page numbers in those storybooks with outcomes depending on the choices we made. 

They were the craze at one time.

How would things play out? 

Well, with miniaturization still a craze, I suspect that the BRS might win hands down. 


The apathetic would probably stick to the FRS. 

A smaller more prudent but insecure feeling group would choose the ERS.

If I were to use another analogy, the BRS is like a hut made of straw while the FRS is like a hut made of wood and the ERS a hut made of bricks. 

Remember the story? 

The hut made of straw was the easiest and fastest to build while the hut made of bricks was the hardest and took the longest time to build. 

Then, remember the three little pigs which stayed in the huts?

In a less child friendly (and more realistic) version of the story, the little pigs which stayed in the straw and the wooden huts were eaten by the big bad wolf. 

Only the little pig which stayed in the brick hut survived. 

In most versions, however, all three little pigs survived because the first two pigs ran to the house made of bricks to escape the big bad wolf. 

So, the little pig who took the trouble to build the hut made of bricks had to share his living quarters with his brothers. 

Well, we can choose our friends but we cannot choose our family, as the saying goes.

I believe that the movie would not only have a sequel but there could be remakes in future. 

Whatever the case might be, in the audience participation section, we would do well to choose wisely in the meantime and hope that many more would choose wisely too.

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"From 2016, the CPF Annual Limit will be increased correspondingly from $31,450 to $37,740 (equivalent to 17 months x CPF salary ceiling of $6,000 x 37%)."


"The panel is proposing that the sum of S$80,500 for CPF members turning 55 in 2016 be called the Basic Retirement Sum. This Basic Retirement Sum should increase by 3 per cent each year for cohorts turning 55 from 2017 to 2020, to keep pace with inflation and changes in household expenditure.

"For CPF members who are not homeowners or who do not have a CPF pledge on the their property (which refers to the sum of money that will go into his CPF account if he sells the property), the panel thinks they should set aside a sum of S$161,000 in 2016 – equivalent to the Minimum Sum for those turning 55 from July. This could be called the Full Retirement Sum, the panel said.

"Those who want to put more into their Retirement Account for higher annuity payouts should be allowed to do so, felt the panel, which is proposing that they be allowed to have up to three times the Basic Retirement Sum to pay for CPF LIFE premiums (or S$241,500 in 2016).

"Also addressed in its first set of recommendations is lump-sum withdrawal of CPF savings at the age of 65. The panel suggests allowing the withdrawal of up to 20 per cent of Retirement Account savings, inclusive of the S$5,000 that can be withdrawn from age 55."

Source: Today Online, 4 Feb 15.

See all the infographics: here.

The Straits Times, 11 Oct 2016.
Central Provident Fund (CPF) members who turned 55 in 2013 and later can make a lump sum withdrawal of 20 per cent from their Retirement Account when they reach the payout eligibility age (i.e. age 65).
Previously, members on the Retirement Sum scheme had to apply to start their payouts. Starting from 2018, payouts will begin automatically once the member turns 70.

When to buy (and sell) a private residential property?

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Please don't take what I say as the Gospel truth. I am just sharing my thoughts and limited experience. This was an exchange on FB:

  • M
    Bro. Your property post always trigger my interest and thinking!
    Anyway during the talk, you mentioned there are still good property deals around.
    I wonder what's your definition of good deals?
  • Assi AK
    Well, if people are looking for a BTO flat for own stay, I just shared an example in CCK (on my FB wall). Good deal.
  • M
    How about private?
    Ps. I should be clear.
  • Assi AK
    If people are looking for condos for investment, it is quite hard to find a good deal now.
  • M
    Still will like your brain juice on what are good deals on private. Lol
  • Assi AK
    I know that some developers like Bukit Sembawang and Capitaland are slashing prices but I don't think the prices after discount are good (enough) yet.
  • M
    Haha. How much you will go in?
  • Assi AK
    For example, someone bought a condo in Cairnhill by BS and it was heavily discounted. Just under $2m. Previously, would have to pay $2.4m to $2.5m for similar unit. However, the current rental is only $4K a month.
    ... Buyer said good deal. He said earlier buyers overpaid. I think (earlier buyers) just overpaid more than he did.
    His gross yield at $4K a month rental would work out to be about 2.4%. His housing loan interest rate is (probably) 1% + 3 months sibor... So, it is almost 1.7% now... It is probably going to be higher in the next 2 years... -.-"
    But what to do? D9 atas. I had a D9 property that I bought during the GFC and sold it when market recovered. This person (I feel) bought as market peaked (again) and beginning to correct.
    I sold off my properties that would have yielded just under 4% per annum. I found properties that were able to yield 6.1% per annum (later on). It made sense to me even though the 6.1% yielders are not in atas locations.
    In the current environment, those that I sold are yielding just above 3% per annum while the would be 6.1% yielders are now 5.1% yielders. (What a difference 2 years make.) All declined but I have a bigger margin of safety now.
  • M
    Power!! Love your explanation. Gonna share w my wife bro.
  • Assi AK
    Aiyoh, pai seh lah... I anyhow say de.
  • M
    Nvm. Keep anyhow say
  • Assi A
    I think I cut and paste for my next blog post. I ran out of ideas. This one just nice. LOL.
  • M
    Yes. This one really vvvvv good
    It will educate a lot of property standbyers
  • Assi AK
    Kamsiah. You very kind lah. I only sharing my thoughts and experience. I pai seh.
  • M
    You Pai seh what. Haha. I sincerely appreciate that. My frens and wife learnt a lot too

Assi AKReally? Thanks for the encouraging feedback. Very happy they enjoyed themselves.

Feeling happy (but also a bit scared) to share.

One thing is for sure though. You can safely ask AK if you need a haircut because AK is not a barber.

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