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Aim to pay off home loan and hit the MS ASAP.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

The title of the reader's email was "CPF Haywire". So, imagine my trepidation as I clicked on the email.

Hi AK!

I've been reading your blog here and there and my eyes go haywire... so many nuggets of gold! Kam Sia very much for your contribution to society.

I just bought my first HDB and OA start from scratch. I calculated I'd have about 10k in a year. 

In order to meet the MS when i turn 55 in 15yrs time (about $244k if at 3% yearly right?), would you suggest that every few years to transfer a bit (thinking about 10k) from OA to SA for the compounding effect to be greater and yet leave some in OA for financing the 30yr loan? 

I have about 4 years worth of monthly deductions from CPFIS (principal amount), and this is my backup plan to tap on in case I lose my job.

Like you I choose to be conservative with my CPF and not take any chances in the stock market (aside from the only investment I made before purchasing the flat on the advice of my insurance agent) so my aim is to finish my loan ASAP and be able to hit the MS for retirement payout. 

Would you suggest to make partial payments every few years to lessen the years of loan or to stretch it out to 30 years?

I'm aware about tax reliefs or incentives doing VC, MS top-up, contribute to SRS but am not considering these because I have limited cash on hand.

I have 6 months emergency fund and every month I save some (for holidays, etc) and invest some for dividends (Spore ETF, REITS). Its not much because I started late in life (wish can turn back time to tell my bochap younger years to buck up!) and I'm hoping that I can still 'fix things' to ensure I have an okay retirement. 

Do you have any advice on what else can I do to improve my financial situation?

Many thanks,

AK replies:

Welcome to my blog. :)

I hope you did not buy an ILP from your insurance agent. There is no way to guarantee that you will get back the same amount you put in if you need the money.

I say this because you are looking at it as a backup plan in case you lose your job.

Money in an investment should not be looked upon as money in your emergency fund.

Of course, I will have some other stuff to say about ILPs but you can do a search for these blog posts in my blog.

I shall talk to myself now:

1. I just bought a HDB flat. I want to make sure that I have enough in my OA to service 12 months of mortgage. If I am 40 or older, 24 months would be prudent because it could be more difficult to find a job. The rest of the money I have in my OA, I can transfer to my SA.

2. I bought some investments with my OA money. The money invested could have serviced 48 months of mortgage payment. I should look at possibly liquidating the investment if there is a gain or if it breaks even as my motivation was never to invest with my CPF-OA money. Then, I would have more money to transfer to my SA.

3. If the interest rate on my housing loan is less than 2.5%, it makes sense not to pay down the loan with CPF-OA money as the CPF-OA pays 2.5% in interest. I might want to consider the POSB HDB Home Loan.

4. I might want to contribute to SRS and use the money to invest for income. I will save on income tax and still be able to invest. Have my cake and eat it? Sure.

This talking to myself illness is getting worse by the day. Cham.

Best wishes,


Related posts:
1. POSB HDB Loan.

2. How much to have in emergency fund?
3. OA to SA transfer before buying a flat?
4. SRS: A brief analysis.

A chat on inflation and cost of living (UPDATED JULY 2018).

Monday, September 21, 2015

This was a chat I had with a reader who is also a very concerned parent.

do we see a 3% increase in basic necessities costs? 

Perhaps 1-1.5% is more reasonable?

core inflation. That would be 2 to 3% per annum. 

Recently, we have been experiencing deflationary pressure but even so, food prices saw inflation of 2.2% or so, year on year. 

Oil prices being so low now contribute to deflationary pressure but I don't this this will last more than a year or two. 

I hope that the Singapore dollar stays relatively strong and that we don't see inflation at 5% again just like a couple of years or so ago.

(Referring to the CPF) 3% incremental retirement sum will amount to 445k retirement sum 34 years later.... 

Oh wow... It will wipe out a lot of middle income ppl's Sa! 

Seen from the perspective of a 21 yr old male who just entered the workforce at 21 yrs now in 2015

Inflation is a monster but we rather have that than deflation. wink emoticon 

 things will get more challenging in the years ahead. 

I remember a bowl of Lor Mee was 50c when I was in Primary One. 

Fast forward almost 40 years, it is $3 a bowl today. 

I think the price has gone up by more than 3% per annum. 

It is not an easy job to keep cost of living down. I don't want to be the government.

Cost of living will definitely go up over a period of 30-40 years.... 

Think the bigger challenge would be ensuring wages keep up.... 

During that time of 50cent lor mee, wages were probably around the 300-500 mark I guess

I too young to know what wages were like. 

I think everyone must be financially prudent. 

What we have control over, we must make the best of things.

I worry abt the daughter's future.... 

I can instill financial knowledge into her from an early age but I'm afraid cost of living goes up too fast

We probably have less control over our wages or prices. 

However, we have control over what we spend on and how much we save.

Yup... That I totally agree.... 

If cost of living goes up much faster then wages, it does not really make sense for the future generation to live like a hermit just to plan for retirement... 

What kind of life would that be?

It really depends on our expectations and if we are willing to manage them, I feel.

I already lead a life sorta like a hermit just so I can afford my daughter's future academic needs and my own retirement needs.... 

I think I'm not at your level yet but I'm spending less then 600 per month on my own food, transport and personal needs so I think I'm on the right track.

Anyway I just wanna let u know I learnt quite a lot just from your posts.... 

Once I have my emergency fund set and a war chest ready, I'll start investing.....

Maybe the details of which stock which REIT, gearing and debt etc I still don't understand... 

But I learnt a lot from the concepts behind it. The concept of delayed gratification. Saving 100% of your income etc.

We are approaching a time in history now that simply earning a salary and saving will not be enough for even a simple retirement. Investment knowledge is important.

AK's closing comments:
I hope that Singapore doesn't become another Hong Kong or Taiwan where young graduates cannot afford to buy an apartment. 

I hope that Singapore doesn't become another Japan which suffered not one but two lost decades.

I am sure many Singaporeans have the same worries. 



We do what is in our power to make sure that we are able to weather the storms which could come our way. 

We should not think that we would always see fair weather.

When we are prepared, we would have less to worry about.

Related post:
Don't think and grow rich. 

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