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Ever since the CPFB introduced a colorful pie chart of our CPF savings a few years ago, I would look forward to mine every year like a teena...

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Reader complained to another blogger about me! (Reader is disappointed and AK tries to explain.)

Sunday, February 21, 2016

UPDATED (27 DEC 16):

Why you so like dat?!

OMG! Being a blogger is not easy lor. Who complained about me? Who? Who? Very cham like dat.
I thought about whether to share this but decided that it is probably a good idea to do so in case there are others who think the same way:


"Straight to the point. I am very disappointed in you. 

"I have been following your blog for more than a year and followed some of your calls, most of them bad. Now you go MIA.

"You say you have other things to do but how can you forget your followers? I am sure I am not the only one who is suffering big losses. 

"I have a few friends who are also following your blog and one of them say not to waste time to write to you. He has stopped following your blog... He say you gone into hiding because of losses.

"AK, you are not just any blogger, you are influential and, so, must be more responsible."

It took me a while to think of how to respond to this email. Honestly, I still don't know if this is the best approach but:

1. I really do have other interests (and issues) in my life now and they have nothing to do with investments (and, hence, any related losses). I don't know how I can prove this since I am a rather private person and I don't meet up with people much, especially not recently. So, I cannot call on witnesses.

2. I haven't forgotten my readers. I still reply to emails, comments in my blog and I also share stuff on FB from time to time but not as regularly as before. Blogging was a routine in the past but it is more of a "when I have the time or inclination" kind of thing now.

3. I am sorry to hear about losses that some readers might have chalked up. I have some old blog posts on what to do in such instances. My investments might not all be good but my investment philosophy is timeless. Consider the philosophy, not the investments.

4. I have said before that from curiosity and boredom my blog was born on Christmas Eve in 2009. Then, I got hooked because it provided a way for me to interact with many people, fellow bloggers and readers. For AK, who is a very private person, it was a window to a whole new world. For sure, I am not blogging for fame or fortune.

If there are other people who have negative feelings about how I am less active in blogging or who are suspicious as to whether I am telling the truth about why I am not blogging as much, I hope this blog post helps.

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The CPF is really a national PONZI scheme!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Has AK changed his tune about the CPF?




What say you?

Till now, I still meet people who say that the CPF is a PONZI scheme and would look at me with utmost suspicion when I talk to them about maxing out our CPF benefits as Singaporeans.

Maxing out?

Yes, there is a maximum we can contribute to our CPF account each year.

The annual limit was $31,450.00 in 2015 and because AK is weak in mathematics, he over-contributed (again).

Ever heard of a PONZI scheme that rejects monetary contributions?

Related post:
The CPF is a national PONZI scheme.

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