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Wife wants to sell HDB flat to buy a condo.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Hi ak,

My wife had been hankering me about buying a condo coz her sisters all have multiple condos. All renting to service loans. I just feel we are late to the properties game and don't want to get caught in a bloodbath.

In order not to pay ABSD, she thinks we should sell our current flat. But the market is so bad now I don't know whether we could sell at all.

Her argument is if we wait for market to worsen,  though we may get the condo cheaper but our flat price would also drop. So there is no best time.
What would you do if you are in similar position?

Hi R,

1. Fact. Rental market is getting softer and softer. Even if prices of condos come down a bit more you could be setting yourself up for disappointment as vacancy rate continues to go up and rental market stays soft.

2. If I could, I would have bought a BTO HDB flat. If I had a HDB flat, I wouldn't sell it, especially not because I want to avoid paying ABSD on a second property if I am going to buy one.

3. When a crash happens, condo prices will drop more than HDB flat prices in absolute dollar terms. 

OK, now comes the difficult part.

If I were in your shoes, my stress level is probably through the roof because I am not the type to throw pragmatism out the window to please my other half.

Good luck. :)

Best wishes,

See Part 2: here.

Related posts:
1. Disastrous property investments.
2. If we are not rich....

Wonder why some will never be rich? (He blew $700K in 1.5 years after receiving inheritance.)

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

If someone makes a lot of money (legally and ethically), it is probably also good for the economy and the people around him. 

Multiplier effect. 

That's something I remember from Economics. 

People like that are usually looked upon as rich.

Some might not be very good at making a lot of money or might not have the inclination to make a lot of money. 

Does this mean that they cannot be rich? 

Regular readers know my answer to this question.

No matter how much money we make, if we spend more than we make, we are in for some trouble. 

However, this might not be the case for some lucky people.

A reader shared this story:

From the comments section: here.

"His whole life is about showing off his consumer goods, BMW, branded watches, holidays, etc.... all his money came from my parents who indulge in him...

"When my sister-in-law died, he inherited the insurance money .... and blows $700K within 1.5 years.

"He called himself not good in managing finance but in reality is addicted to spending money and refuse to accept responsibility..."

How do you feel?

What do you think?

In another blog post, I said: 

"Of course, sometimes, people need to suffer a fall before they are aware of their financial mortality."

Some people are lucky enough not to have to suffer a fall. 

So, they live within an illusion of financial immortality.

The operative word here is not "immortality". 

The operative word here is "illusion".

Wonder why some will never be rich?

Having the right philosophy in life will guide us on the right path when it comes to money matters.

Remember the 3 attributes of a wealthy peasant: HERE.

Related posts:
1. From rich to broke.
2. If we are not rich, don't act rich.

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