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ComfortDelgro is one of my Dividend Machines.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

I have received a number of messages from readers regarding the decline in ComfortDelgro's share price.

Mostly, the question is whether it is a good time to buy.

Regular readers know that AK will avoid answering questions like that most of the time.

However, I can say a few things to myself regarding the situation right now.

If we subscribe to what Warren Buffett says that we should be greedy when others are fearful, then, we should know what to do.

Is the Wuhan coronavirus going to be a permanent fixture?

Are we never going to recover from this crisis?

Well, I am inclined to believe that the CEO of DBS is correct.

Things will improve come summer as the virus will not do well in warm weather.

Simply put, we will recover from this Wuhan virus crisis just like we recovered from the SARS crisis.

It will take time, of course, but I do not doubt that we will recover.


Cannot call it the Wuhan virus?

The official name is COVID-19?


Why not call it the Chinese Flu so that we know where it is from?

If you ask me, I think the WHO has to give China face lah.

Before beating the dog must see who is the owner, right or not?

Why can have Spanish Flu but cannot have Chinese Flu leh?


Anyway, I still think that ComfortDelgro is a good Dividend Machine.

I have nibbled at ComfortDelgro as its share price declined.

I hope I am smart enough to buy more if Mr. Market goes into a deeper depression.

On that note, in case you missed my blog on Dividend Machines or if you are thinking about signing up but have yet to do so, please note that application for the class of 2020 closes this weekend.

If you are really interested in learning about investing for income in a structured manner, sign up now or you would have to wait till next year for the next intake.

Find out more or sign up: HERE.

Related posts:
1. CPF and Dividend Machines.
2. Incomplete analysis: ComfortDelgro.

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