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Mr. Market is sick from COVID-19 and AK talks to himself.

Monday, March 2, 2020

One reason why I have not been blogging as much is that I don't really have anything new to say.

Yes, to be fair, we cannot blame it all on my adventuring in Neverwinter.

Anyway, although I won't really be saying anything new, I am going to blog about investing in the stock market now.

I have received quite a few comments from readers asking about my investments and also what am I doing?


Mr. Market is pretty sick from the COVID-19.

So, we see stock prices declining and by quite a bit too in some cases.

If you have been following my blog, you would know that I always say it should not matter what I am doing.

What you should be doing matters so much more.

This is because our circumstances are different and vastly different in some cases.

CPF savings in a pie (chart).

Know ourselves and do what we can comfortably and, more importantly, safely do, given our circumstances.

In my retirement, I am mostly investing for income.

I am more concerned with whether my investments are able to generate income for me regularly.

If they are able to do that well, I am quite happy to hold on to my investments.

I would sell if I think that things have changed or if I think that there are better investments for income.

I do a bit of trading from time to time, selling high and buying low.

However, most of the time, I am doing nothing.

It isn't that difficult to understand, really.

I said the following in a couple of blogs before:

1. If we own stocks of good businesses that are able to generate meaningful income for us


2. if we did not use borrowed funds or use funds which we might need for other purposes to do so,

why do we have to worry about stock prices going down?

3. If we are disturbed by our investments in the market enough to lose sleep, then, chances are we are probably over invested.

4. If we are clear as to what are our investment objectives, examine if what we are doing now gels with those objectives.

If they don't we could also lose sleep.

The tools and motivations should match.

People do die from the COVID-19 but I am willing to bet that Mr. Market is stronger than us mere mortals.

Mr. Market will recover from the COVID-19.

It is just a matter of time.

"If you worry about corrections, you shouldn't own stocks." Warren Buffett

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