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Asterisk Realty: Advisory for Japanese real estate.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

This is a Japanese real estate brokerage that I came across. Its website provides views of the real estate market in Japan from within.  It is a perspective which I find bracing.  

From the beginning of fiscal year 2010 in April, we expect CMBS and lenders to offer some excellent properties one by one throughout the year. 

With more confident buyers, we may see a gradual rise in market level. In 2009, there were a couple of very attractive properties that were on sale at discount prices in order to take precaution against oncoming financial pressures, however many properties were unsold due to strict financing conditions during recession. 

This year, a number of these properties successfully underwent transactions as a result of optimism that the worst of the recession has passed. Economic recovery is imminent and the overall attitude towards buying seems to be becoming optimistic. 

Many non-Japanese Asian investors are taking initiative to acquire Japanese prime trophy properties. They are expected to have a significant future presence in the Japanese prime asset market. Japan real estate market generates strong demand from global buyers for its maturity, stability and one of a kind trophy assets in all of Asia.

Due to stable and high occupancy rate, residential is still the most popular investment sector for all investors relative to office, retail, and hotel markets

 We are recently seeing less opportunities of residential opportunities of 300 million to 1 billion JPY in Tokyo. Large size  residential properties (above JPY 3 billion) will be available one by one from loan lenders and merged REIT for downsizing debt. 

Middle class residential occupancy remains stable due to sustainable demands and some upper class residential occupancy start recovering due to an overall decrease in rent prices.

Related post:
Saizen REIT's properties: Would I buy?


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