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Tea with AK71: Naked chef to encourage men to cook.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Personally, I do not think this would work. I think guys would more likely watch the program to ogle the lady in the transparent apron! Who are they kidding? Guys would go to adult channels because they are looking for a specific something and not learn how to cook! Anyway, have a read:

Host Flora Cheung will start each 30-minute show shopping for fresh ingredients in the city's famous wet markets, undressing once she is back in the privacy of her studio kitchen, the South China Morning Post reported.

Cheung, who admits she has never worked in a restaurant kitchen, said she hopes the risque show will draw more men into the kitchen. The first episode is set to air later this month.

Oh, in case you guys are wondering, this is happening in Hong Kong. No such luck in Singapore. ;)

Read full article here.


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