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Did a voice recording and learning new things.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

I have made some progress with my YouTube channel!

Picked up a new skill.

Converting text to voice!

Some of you might be having a good laugh over this.

If you are laughing, I am glad.

I am laughing too.

I am like a kid who just discovered LEGO. (^m^)

My voice sounds rather pleasant in my head but I always cringe when I hear a recording of my voice played back.

This point was confirmed once more when I did a YouTube Short video last night.

Aiyoh, is that my voice?


It was my first YouTube Short attempt starring my very old T-shirt. ;p

If you are interested in the videos, pop by my YouTube channel to see see and hear hear:

AK's YouTube Channel.

Don't worry about laughing and hurting my feelings. ;p

I am doing this only for fun and laughter. :D

So, done with laundry, done gaming and done with creating stuff for my YouTube channel for the day.

Now, it is Chinese drama time!

I just completed the following not long ago:

Good and wholesome entertainment! 

I like it!

Related post:
Retirement, YouTube channel and quick update.


Cory said...

Nice Baby Step

AK71 said...

Hi Cory,

Yeap, definitely still a baby in more ways than one. LOL. ;p

Henry said...

AK you becoming a YouTuber for more passive income? Lol. 🤣

AK71 said...

Hi Henry,

Must be very pro to make money as a YouTuber.

I don't think I will do it for money.

For fun and laughter is OK. ;p

WILL said...


What voice over software did you use? Or what function?

Thank you

Unknown said...

Hi AK,

I think your voice (as heard from fifth person interview on youtube) sounds better and more alive than the computer generated one.

Maybe its the mic?


AK71 said...

Hi Will,

Microsoft Edge has a function that reads PDF files aloud.

I record using OBS Studio which I used once upon a time to stream my gaming. :)

AK71 said...

Hi KK,

AK is shy (and lazy.)

AK is also very tight fisted with money and has made zero investment towards getting any decent voice recording hardware. ;p

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