Some readers would like to know more about me as a person and the section in the right sidebars "
About AK71" was added in response to this particular email from a reader last month:
I read your blogs just recently. They are interesting and informative.
I think it may be good to tell the readers a little more about yourself. I am not looking for specifics but would like to know who we are reading about. For example, your age group, which field you are working in, are you close to retirement, male or female, years in investment? Just generics.
Recently, a fellow blogmaster also gave some suggestions as to how to make my blog more interesting:
Sadly, I do find your blog boring sometimes. Not saying that it isn't good or informative, but sometimes it's akin to reading a newspaper- you know, the same titles again and again.
To me it's not about the colours, but try putting in more creative titles or blog posts about your personal experiences. Charts and news are good but don't talk about them all the time- life isn't just about stocks and making money. Just my point of view.
ASSI has grown rapidly in readership and I might be doing something right but it does not mean that I cannot do better. So, I take all suggestions seriously but I have to think them through.
I am aware that my blog could be quite dry. Well, finance isn't exactly good material for blogbusters (pardon the pun). That's why I started a section "
Tea with AK71" where I talk about non-finance matters. However, I am also trying to stay true to the mission of ASSI and don't want to clutter it up.
Well, I have started another blog, again more accidental than intentional. It will be a blog with some of my travel photos and videos,
Travel Photos and Videos. This should give AK71 a less financial flavour and I hope you like it. :)