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Will CapitaLand build "almost inhuman" size apartments?

Friday, July 26, 2013

The statement by former CEO of CapitaLand, Liew Mun Leong, regarding shoebox apartments being “almost inhuman” is one of those things which will be remembered for a long, long time.

Now, in a bid to sell more apartments in rather challenging circumstances, will CapitaLand build smaller and smaller apartments including those which are "almost inhuman"?

"Almost inhuman" size apartments in Japan.

CapitaLand, Singapore’s biggest developer, may alter the size of its apartments as it seeks to improve affordability to combat government measures aimed at curbing speculation and lowering prices.

The developer sold 139 residential units in the island- state in the three months ended June, 31% fewer than in the same period last year, it said yesterday as it forecast “headwinds” in the near term with the housing curbs. (Source: Bloomberg)

Tough times for property developers in Singapore and, with interest rates set to rise, it seems that it will only get tougher.

Related post:
To rent or to buy: Rule of 15.

Has it become too expensive to keep that car?

If you are a car owner, you must have felt at some point that it is rather expensive to keep a car, especially if you are a regular guy like I am.

Is there some way to avoid the high cost of keeping your car? Oh, why not try destroying it? What?

This is pure madness. I don't understand.

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