I spent almost 20 years of my life working, focusing more on the money than on what I love doing.
Even as I made more money, my lifestyle remained more or less unchanged.
Since I did not need more money because I did not crave material upgrades in life, having more and more money didn't really make me happier.
If we are contented with what we already have, even if we make more money, we won't go and buy something frivolous.
As our income increased, if we did not upgrade our lifestyle, logically, there would be less fear of not having enough money in our old age.
I am happier now because I am spending time doing what I enjoy doing although they don't pay me a single cent or in the case of blogging not very well.
It is not about how much money I make anymore but how much joy I get from doing the stuff I do.
However, I am Gen X and I cannot help but wonder sometimes if I should stop bumming around.
Stop being economically inactive!
Am I being irresponsible?
I like to think that I am being irresponsible in a responsible manner.
You blur?
I also blur.
To be honest, I have also learned to be reasonably more easy going with money because I can afford to as it makes life easier.
No man is an island, if you know what I mean.
It is not easy to unlearn certain things but I like to think that I am making progress.
"OK, don't go overboard, AK!"
Who said that? Who? Who?
Must be the other AK.
What? You didn't know AK is mental?
Well, now, you know.
The firm belief that I must plan for retirement early has made my early retirement from employment possible.
I am just talking to myself, as usual.
I don't expect anyone to agree with me.
Remember, I am just a crazy guy.
You must be crazy to listen to a crazy guy.
However, if you are crazy like me, take heart because if AK can do it, so can you!
100% (bonkers)!
Also published today:
No dividend because CEO was very sick!
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1. Start with a plan!
2. Be idealistic?
3. AK should be ashamed!