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To Raelynn and Jason.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dear Raelynn and Jason,

For some strange reason, Blogger has been acting up and some of the comments in my blog have mysteriously vanished.  I have checked with the blogmaster of Bully the Bear and it happened to him too.

Today, I received three comments for moderation but upon clicking, there were only two comments.  One went missing.  The two remaining comments are from the two of you.  To the writer of the missing comment, you might want to send in your comment again.

I clicked to publish your comments and it seems they have now gone missing.  So, I am posting in my blog to let you and other readers know that we have a problem with disappearing comments right now with Blogger.  I hope it gets resolved soon.


Learning FA and TA takes time.  I am still learning and that's the honest truth.  :)  It is something that you and your partner can do together.  It's more enjoyable to have someone close to share the learning process. 

You are also right about how FA for REITs and FA for companies would look at different things.  In my reply to Jason below, you will see how I have overlooked an aspect in my analysis of Courage Marine as shipping is an industry I am new to.

As for CapitaMalls Asia, its parent is Capitaland.  We can say that CapitaMalls Asia is the parent of CapitaMalls Trust and CapitaRetail China, I suppose, or maybe it could be more accurately referred to as their sponsor?

That's all I can remember from your comment.  If I have missed anything out, please let me know.


Yes, you are right about what is lacking in my research on Courage Marine.  I have considered current capacity and I have considered how the excess capacity has to be soaked up first and that shipping companies would not at this point in time place order for new ships but I have neglected the additional capacity that might be coming on line. 

Shipping is a new industry for me. Please, do share with us the information you have from your occupational hazard.  Much obliged.  :)

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