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Failure of 1MDB: More than economic consequences.

Friday, July 31, 2015

With the leaked video, it seems like the money did get transferred into Najib's personal account.

This explains why he has not denied the allegations and it explains why he is fighting so hard to stay in power. If he stepped down, he would be in danger of having the law come after him. A term in prison would almost be certain then.

Muhyiddin alleges Najib admitted to misapropriating funds

"Leaders are vulnerable to making big mistakes, such as violating the law or putting their organizations' existence at risk. Their distortions convince them they are doing nothing wrong, or they rationalize that their deviations are acceptable to achieve a greater good." Bill George

In ancient China, the people believed that if the Emperor was immoral or unethical, the country would suffer. It might be superstition but since Najib took power, Malaysia has had so many problems and disasters.

Being Malaysia's neighbour, Singapore should naturally be concerned.

Yes, if 1MDB should go kaput, there could be economic consequences which would affect Singapore. For example, the High Speed Rail project could be put on hold.

However, the Malaysian people's feelings against Najib could be so strong that the current tension could escalate and lead to civil unrest. The scary bit? It looks like it could actually happen.

I hope the unrest does not spill over into Singapore if it does happen.

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