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Mr. Market trembles as Russia invades Ukraine.

Friday, February 25, 2022

What is AK doing differently?

Well, I am trying different things in Genshin Impact such as putting different characters in a team to see how things work out for them.

Oh, you mean doing things differently in the stock market?


I haven't done anything.

So, what's there to say about doing things differently?


If we are investing in good income producing assets, there is really nothing much to worry about.

I can continue gaming and not look at the stock market for many years in a row and these assets will probably still be generating income.

There is, however, a big "IF."

If we did not invest with money we cannot afford to lose which includes debt in all its forms...

Mr. Market will have mood swings and there is really no telling why and when these mood swings happen.

When Mr, Market's mood swings happen, stock prices usually see big moves.

Plunging prices shouldn't matter to us if we are invested in good income producing assets as long as we are not investing with money we cannot afford to lose.

Then, there are speculators.

Speculate only with money we can afford to lose.

If we cannot afford to lose a single cent or don't like the idea that we could lose money, don't speculate.

Remember, Mr. Market can stay irrational far longer than we can stay solvent.

Remember, don't risk losing the things we need for something we really don't need.

Remember, nobody cares more about our money than we do.

We don't want to have to liquidate at prices we would usually have rejected.

We don't want to be at the mercy of Mr. Market.

After all, Mr. Market is not known to be merciful.

When the tide goes out...

So, why am I able to keep cool and continue gaming?

If AK can do it, so can you!

Related posts:

1. Cut loss on Alibaba or buy more?

2. Investing with common sense.

3. Investing peace of mind.

4. How much passive income is enough?

5. Market sways while AK plays.

6. Lost life savings and now in debt.


darren said...

AK is wise :)

Dom said...

Thank you as always
especially like the part you shared "...or don't like the idea that we could lose money..."

AK71 said...

Hi SGRetailTrader,

I like to think wisdom comes with age and that I am a tad wiser than I was in my younger days.

Of course, I could be delusional. ;p

AK71 said...

Hi Dom,

Often, I see people focusing on the prospect of making money and neglecting the possibility of losing money.

Two sides of the same coin, of course.

People who focus only on the possibility of making money and throw caution to the wind are walking on thin ice.

They could make it to the other side of the frozen lake or the ice could crack during their crossing.

Kingsley said...

If fundamentals didn't change and market is irrational causing things to should be a good idea to do something. What is it? Alamak I am having a senior moment, I cannot remember.

AK71 said...

Hi Kingsley,

Alamak, you blur?

I also blur.

Like that how?

Very cham. (TmT)

laurence said...

If AK can do it, so can you!

Yes, We Can !!! 0;)

AK71 said...

Hi Laurence,

That reminds me of Bob the Builder.

Can we fix it? Yes, we can! :D

Jessica said...

Hi AK, are you selling your gold and silver now that the prices has gone up?

AK71 said...

Hi Jessica,

Ah, you must be a long time reader since you remember. :)

Refresher time:
Why investors for income buy gold and silver?

If I must sell my gold and silver, it means the world is in a very bad shape. -.-"

The Dreamzola Traveller said...

I speculated the market when I was starting out in my early days. Didn't sleep too well, can't focus on my daytime job. LOL.
So I realized something not correct come I'm feeling restless and insecure. Adjusted my thinking and changed investment approach thereafter.

Now I play my online games and ignore the market til end of month then check my bank account see who is paying me to play my games with a peace of mind. :)

AK71 said...


To be fair, there is nothing wrong with speculating as long as speculators know that they are speculating and set safe limits for themselves.

It becomes dangerous when they become overconfident or think that their speculative positions are actually investments.

Oh, I like how you are spending your time now.

Why does it sound so familiar? ;p

1. Investing or speculating?
2. I should have invested in Bitcoin.
3. How to make a million dollars?

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