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SSB missions update! Redemptions! SSB I forgot I had!

Saturday, November 4, 2023

I don't usually look at my CDP statement these days because I really dislike looking at it online. 

So uncomfortable.

I miss the paper statements so much.

Yes, I know the argument for going green but I am not sure that going from chopping down trees to guzzling energy in data centers is a good trade or not?

After all, we can replant trees but unless we are using renewable energy, data centers are big polluters, if we think about it.

1. SSBs

Anyway, I had to check my CDP statement just to be sure that my paper records are accurate for Singapore Savings Bonds.

As it turns out, there was a Singapore Savings Bond which I thought of buying but wasn't sure if I could.

I blogged about it but it wasn't very clear.

SSB 3.06% p.a. 10 years average yield.

Well, I could not find any trace of this in my CDP statement.

Blessing in disguise, maybe.

After all, this month's offer is for 3.4% p.a. 10 years average yield.

2. SSB redemption.

I am redeeming SBMAY23 which I did buy.

That offered a 3.07% p.a. 10 years average yield.

That was bought to partially replace CPF voluntary contributions in 2024.

Saving for income 3.07% p.a.

Will use the funds to apply for SSB this month.

But the funds will only come back to me next month!

How like that?

I will have to use money in my war chest first and the returning funds will go back to my war chest next month.

Like I said in the previous blog post, AK can juggle money.

3. Forgotten SSB!

While going down the list of investments in my CDP statement online, I found an SSB that I forgot I had!

This was bought in 2018!


10 year average yield of less than 3% p.a.


OK, I am redeeming that too.

The funds will go to my war chest next month.

More money for T-bills, maybe.

4. SSB mission for 2023.

Anyway, this is a blog post to remind myself of what I have done and what I am doing in the SSB space.

Mission accomplished in replacing VC to CPF with SSBs in 2023.

SSB mission accomplished.

5. SSB mission for 2024.

For VC to CPF in 2024, I am (re)applying for SSB this month with funds from the redemption of SBMAY23.

Together with another SSB purchased in March, this will (re)complete the mission for 2024.

SSB March 2023 3.15% p.a.

I thought of redeeming the SSB bought in March too but I have a feeling that the SSB this month is going to be oversubscribed as well.

So, I could end up being only partially allocated if I applied for a larger amount.

Anyway, my war chest doesn't like being depleted even if only temporary.

With yields at the long end of the curve rising, like I said in an earlier blog, there is no hurry to lock in higher yields.

Famous last words? Maybe.

6. SSB mission for 2025.

If I get what I apply for this month, it would be $15K of SSBs in total for the year 2025.

Since this is a mission for 2025, I have plenty of time to complete it.

Crossing fingers that 10 year average yields for SSBs will remain relatively high.


SSB 3.16% p.a.

SSB 3.32% p.a.

SSB 3.4% p.a. (and 6 months T-bill ladder.)

If AK can buy SSBs, so can you!


gagmewithaspoon said...

Hi Ak! I am listening to your videos now, something I look forward to before I sleep. the only drawback is that I cannot search for the stuff you say on videos! So I recalled you talking about ireit and your analysis but I cannot remember the video name =( (maybe I shouldn't listen at the end of the day coz my memory so bad). Could you help me out by putting a link or the title of the video if you remember? thank you!

AK71 said...

Hi gagmewithaspoon,

Hmm. I have several videos on IREIT.

Do you mean this video on the possible buy prices I was talking to myself about?

pukermon said...

Hi AK,

The maximum one can invest in SSB is $200k. What's your strategy for nibbling at $5k for each issuance?

isabel said...

i am redeeming my SBAUG22. Too low.

AK71 said...

Hi pukermon,

I already bought a total of $38K with money which would otherwise have been used for CPF VC in 2023. I also bought the same amount with money which would otherwise have been used for CPF VC in 2024. I am now buying more SSB with money which would otherwise have been used for CPF VC in 2025. So, I am way ahead. No hurry.

AK71 said...

Hi isabel,

I think the same way too.

If the difference is not much, then, I won't bother.

ky said...

Hi AK, LTA adopting similar strategy as you! :p

YiS said...

HI Ak,
You can log into your SSB portal to track your SSBs using your singpass.

AK71 said...

Hi YiS,

Oh, I didn't know about this.

I will look for it. Thanks. :D

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