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Sunday, January 12, 2014

OUE Limited is spinning off OUE Bayfront in Singapore and Lippo Plaza in Shanghai into a REIT. Seems like OUE Limited is actively recycling capital and trying to catch whatever remaining interest investors might have in a REIT IPO. Just barely half a year ago, they listed OUE Hospitality Trust and I blogged about that here.

OUE C-REIT is the name of the latest offer. It will be priced at 80c a unit and will offer a distribution yield of 6.8% or a DPU of about 5.44c.

I believe that this IPO is a plus for OUE Limited shareholders just like the listing of SPH REIT was good for SPH shareholders. However, I don't think OUE C-REIT is attractive as an investment for the same reason that I thought SPH REIT was not attractive compared to SPH as an investment. You might be interested in that blog post. Read it: here.

I like the fact that OUE Limited has given a commitment to support the REIT by offering assets at a discount to valuation in future. This is something that the Lippo Group has done for LMIR and First REIT as well. After all, it is the same family that is in control of OUE Limited. Yes, OUE Limited is a 55% owned subsidiary of the Lippo Group.

I also like the fact that OUE Limited will retain a 45 to 50% stake in OUE C-REIT which will see their interests more aligned with those of minority unit holders in the REIT since any action taken which might hurt minority unit holders will hurt the sponsor, OUE Limited, most.

Having said this, we have to remember that the sponsor would have reaped most of the benefits from the IPO and the higher distribution yield is a result of income support given by the sponsor. If there were no such support, the distribution yield is actually 5.56%, almost 20% lower.

Over the next couple of years, if the REIT manager is able to fill up all the vacant space in the two initial properties and achieve positive rental reversions in re-leasing, the REIT could deliver a yield of 6.8% without any support.

However, with interest rates set to increase, we could see a heavier debt burden come 2017 when most of the REIT's debt mature. This could wipe out any hope of maintaining the relatively attractive distribution yield now unless unit price of the REIT declined.

The REIT could grow DPU through accretive purchases from its sponsor, of course, but with gearing ratio relatively high at 41% or so now, it would probably have to resort to equity fund raising either in the form of a rights issue or private placements. Unit holders should be prepared for this.

All investments are good at the right price and to invest in OUE C-REIT for income, I would only be interested if it should offer a much higher distribution yield, given the considerations above.

Related posts:
1. A strategy to grow wealth and augment income.
2. 2013 full year income from S-REITs.

Home of Luz Shinsaibashi, a mall owned by Croesus Retail Trust.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

10 March 2017:
I am at Osaka, is this the trust that is listed in Singapore?

I just published a blog post on Dōtonbori in Osaka.

This is, of course, the place where we find Luz Shinsaibashi, a mall owned by Croesus Retail Trust.

If you are interested to see more photos of Dōtonbori, come to my travel blog: here.

Related post:
Croesus Retail Trust: Motivations and risks.

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